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T&DMS Membership

How to Join

Hi! I'm Jackie Barrett - Secretary of Torquay & District Medical Society.
Membership of the Society is open to Medical Practitioners, whether active or retired, qualified or in training, members of associated professions, and others at the discretion of the Committee.
Membership fees are a very reasonable £10 per annum, with no fee for those still in training.
We'd love to welcome you to the Society and will be pleased to see you at one of our events prior to you joining.
If you're interested, please complete the form below so I can contact you with further details.
Please tell us your first name

Please tell us your last name

Please tell us your best contact email address

Please tell us the best number to contact you on

Please click the appropriate membership category

We will retain your details solely for the purposes of communicating with you about the Society and our events, in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
Please tick the box above to validate your form...